Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson celebrate 35th wedding anniversary - CNN

'Love is everything': Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson celebrate 35th wedding anniversary

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary with this photo posted on Wilson's social media accounts.

(CNN)Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have celebrated 35 years of marriage with a heartfelt post on social media.

"35 years of marriage. April 30, 1988. Love is everything," Wilson wrote in a post on Twitter and Instagram.
Hollywood actor Hanks and actor, singer and film producer Wilson have two children, Chet and Truman Hanks.
    In 2015, Hanks revealed that he had felt an instant spark with Wilson when he was asked to explain the longevity of their relationship.
      "I think the end result is that we got married for all the right reasons," said Hanks, an Oscar-winning actor best known for appearing in the 1994 smash hit "Forrest Gump," 1998 war movie "Saving Private Ryan" and 2002's "Catch Me If You Can."
      Hanks and Wilson both appeared in 1993 romantic comedy "Sleepless in Seattle," while Wilson went on to produce a number of movies, including "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" in 2002. She later embarked on a musical career, releasing her debut solo album "AM/FM" in 2012.
      The pair survived a run in with coronavirus early in the pandemic, announcing that they had been infected in March 2020 in Australia.
        They documented their quarantine experience, and Hanks became an outspoken advocate for the use of masks to prevent the spread of infection.
          The couple became Greek citizens in July 2020, receiving brand new passports.
          Wilson, who is part Greek, and Hanks, a Greek Orthodox convert, have often been spotted spending their vacations in Greece, where they also own property on the island of Antiparos.