READ: Dueling rulings from federal judges in Texas and Washington on medication abortion pill - CNNPolitics

READ: Dueling rulings from federal judges in Texas and Washington on medication abortion pill

Used boxes of Mifepristone pills, the first drug used in a medical abortion, discarded at Alamo Women's Clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico, January 11, 2023.

(CNN)A federal judge in Texas issued a ruling Friday on medication abortion drug mifepristone, saying he will suspend the US Food and Drug Administration's two-decade-old approval of it but paused his ruling for seven days so the federal government can appeal.

But in a dramatic turn of events, a federal judge in Washington state said in a new ruling shortly after that the FDA must keep medication abortion drugs available in more than a dozen Democratic-led states.
Read the Texas and Washington rulings here.