Justin Trudeau tests positive for coronavirus again - CNN

Justin Trudeau tests positive for coronavirus for a second time this year

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke at the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles Friday.

(CNN)Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted Monday he has tested positive again for the virus that causes Covid-19.

Trudeau tweeted "I'll be following public health guidelines and isolating. I feel okay, but that's because I got my shots. So, if you haven't, get vaccinated -- and if you can, get boosted. Let's protect our healthcare system, each other, and ourselves."
Trudeau also tested positive in January, as did two of his children.
    US President Joe Biden is not considered to have been in close contact with Trudeau, a White House official said, despite the fact the leaders had a bilateral meeting Thursday in Los Angeles. Neither wore masks, and they were sitting in close proximity.