Vernon Jones ends bid for Georgia governor and endorses Perdue in GOP primary against Kemp - CNNPolitics

Vernon Jones ends bid for Georgia governor and endorses Perdue in GOP primary against Kemp

(CNN)Republican candidate Vernon Jones announced Monday he was ending his bid for Georgia governor and would instead run for Congress in 2022.

In announcing his decision, Jones threw his support behind former US Sen. David Perdue, whom former President Donald Trump has backed against incumbent Gov. Brian Kemp in the GOP primary.
"After much prayer & consideration I have decided that I can best serve the people of Georgia in the Congress of the United States," Jones said in a statement released on Twitter. "I believe that strong conservative voices need to be heard as we lead America into the future."
    "Because of this decision I am officially withdrawing my candidacy for Governor effective today and will be supporting David Perdue for Governor," he wrote, calling Perdue a "good man who loves our state and loves our Country."
      Jones, a former Georgia state lawmaker, had entered the gubernatorial race last April, but he trailed Perdue and Kemp in the polls.
      Trump had endorsed Perdue over Kemp, whom he has publicly derided for not challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election.
      In an effort to bolster Perdue's chances, Trump offered Jones his endorsement in a congressional contest if Jones agreed to exit the GOP primary for governor, CNN reported last week.
        Trump had invited Jones to Mar-a-Lago last month to discuss switching to campaigning for a US House seat in either the 6th or 10th Congressional District, and told Jones he is prepared to endorse him in either primary as quickly as he switches, CNN previously reported.
        In his Monday announcement, Jones did not say which congressional seat he plans to run for.
        Georgia Democratic Party spokesman Max Flugrath said Jones' move "at the behest of Donald Trump and support David Perdue will only amplify the chaos and lack of unity among the Georgia GOP."
        "Jones' decision sets the stage for a slugfest between Kemp and Perdue, all to the detriment of Georgia voters, who deserve to hear from candidates on issues like access to affordable healthcare, creating good-paying jobs, and strengthening public education," he added.
          Jones is a former Democratic state House representative who switched parties in January 2021 after his term in office ended. He made waves by endorsing Trump for reelection in 2020 and speaking at the 2020 Republican National Convention while he was still a registered Democrat.
          Jones has run unsuccessfully for Congress before, seeking a Senate seat in 2008 and a House seat in 2010.