CNN Poll of Polls: Trump's approval up amid coronavirus concerns - CNNPolitics

CNN Poll of Polls: Trump's approval up amid coronavirus concerns

(CNN)President Donald Trump's approval now averages higher than his approval rating has been at any point in CNN's polling during his presidency, as 47% approve and 48% disapprove rating of his handling of the presidency, according to CNN's Poll of Polls.

The Poll of Polls is an average of recent national phone polling conducted among adults or registered voters.
Trump's handling of the coronavirus outbreak averages higher approval, standing at 52%, while disapproval stands at 45%.
    His average approval for handling the coronavirus outbreak is sharply improved from CNN's first measure of that rating earlier this month, when 41% said they approved and 48% disapproved.
      Polling has historically shown a rally effect for presidents facing a crisis, where approval ratings rise whenever the nation faces a serious challenge. The recent increase in Trump's numbers may be due to that effect, but some presidents have seen higher increases, for example, President George W. Bush's numbers after the 9/11 attacks increased about 40 percentage points.
      However, the duration of the bump in approval has varied, with some taking almost a year to recover while others have seen a more temporary boost.
        The CNN Poll of Polls is an average of the five most recent non-partisan, live operator, national surveys on Trump's approval rating among either adults or registered voters. The Poll of Polls includes: The Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted March 22-25; the Fox News poll conducted March 21-24; the Monmouth University poll conducted March 18-22; the Gallup Poll conducted March 13-22 and the NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist poll conducted March 13-14.
          The Poll of Polls does not have a margin of sampling error.