Photos: The coronavirus is leaving empty spaces everywhere
A couple in Barcelona, Spain, embraces in Catalunya Square on March 15.
David Ramos/Getty Images

The coronavirus is leaving empty spaces everywhere

Updated 1858 GMT (0258 HKT) June 29, 2020

A couple in Barcelona, Spain, embraces in Catalunya Square on March 15.
David Ramos/Getty Images

The novel coronavirus is putting much of the world on hold.

To try to slow the spread of the virus, people are being asked to avoid crowds and limit their travel. Many governments have issued stay-at-home orders.

Organizations are doing their part to help.

Sports leagues have suspended their seasons. Museums, theme parks and other popular attractions have shut down. Many schools have closed, and companies are requiring employees to work from home. Religious communities are modifying their traditions.

What's left behind is an eerie emptiness.