White House misses Democrats' deadline to turn over docs - CNNPolitics

White House misses Democrats' deadline to turn over docs

(CNN)The White House missed a House Judiciary Committee deadline to turn over scores of records as part of a sweeping Democratic-led investigation into whether President Donald Trump abused his power in office, according to a source familiar with the situation.

And some former White House officials who received letters from the committee requesting documents, including former White House counsel Don McGahn and former deputy counsel Annie Donaldson, are referring the inquiries to the White House.
In all, Republican aides said the committee had received responses from eight of the 81 officials who received letters from the committee earlier this month, and a ninth had mailed documents, though they had yet to be received. But Democrats said more recipients had agreed to provide documents to the panel.
    House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler had set a Monday deadline asking for an array of documents -- including over the firing of former FBI Director James Comey, internal discussions about the decision of then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from the Russia probe, details about any talks to dismiss special counsel Robert Mueller as well as records about payments Trump made as part of a hush-money scheme to keep his alleged extramarital affairs from going public.
      The source told CNN that the White House has not yet responded, though it intends to in the near future.
      A spokesman for Nadler declined to comment on the White House response.
      The Trump administration has missed a number of deadlines set by various House committees vowing to intensify their oversight of the President, setting the stage for a months-long battle with Democrats poised to issue subpoenas in their demands for information.
        Nadler's investigation is stretching into various aspects of Trump's political and business careers, focusing on what Democrats believe are corrupt business practices and potential illegal activities at the White House. Earlier this month, Nadler sent 81 letters to individuals and entities as the first step in his probe, including the President's sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, former aides like McGahn and business associates like Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg. How those individuals responded to Nadler's Monday deadline is unclear.
        In a statement Monday, Nadler said he was "encouraged" by many of the initial responses, though he indicated that the committee would have to issue subpoenas, including to some who said they would only comply if they were forced to do so. The committee said it had received "tens of thousands" of documents already, and Nadler told MSNBC that former Trump adviser Steve Bannon sent the committee "a few thousand documents."
        GOP aides said the pages of documents provided so far were just over 8,000. Those included 2,688 pages from Bannon, 3,349 pages from Trump donor and friend Tom Barrack, 1,466 pages from the NRA and 104 pages from Trump's inaugural committee. The pages provided to the committee were first reported by Politico.
        Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos, former campaign aide JD Gordon, former Trump adviser Sam Nunberg and Trump Tower meeting participant Rinat Akhmetshin also provided documents.
        "Democrats have only provided about 8,000 pages of documents received in response to their 81 letters, which doesn't approach the claim they've received tens of thousands of documents," said Jessica Andrews, a spokeswoman for the committee's top Republican, Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia. "Either Democrats are deliberately concealing committee records — which confirms they're invested in partisan inquisitions more than credible oversight — or they are deliberately misrepresenting the facts to the press and American public."
        A Democratic aide argued that the Republican list of individuals who responded was incomplete, because the committee has negotiated additional agreements to receive documents even if they have not provided them yet.
        In a statement Monday, Nadler said: "At this point, the committee has heard from a large number of the recipients, many of whom have either sent or agreed to send documents to the Committee."
        Others in Trump's orbit did not give the committee any documents ahead by Monday's deadline.
        An attorney for former Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo, Dennis Vacco, told the committee that Caputo "is not in possession of any documentation responsive to your request."
        And an attorney for Randy Credico, a New York radio personality and one-time associate of Roger Stone, wrote in a letter to the committee that all relevant documents had been turned over to special counsel Robert Mueller after Credico was subpoenaed.
        "Mr. Credico has no objection to the Special Counsel's Office providing to your committee all of the materials which were turned over to them pursuant to subpoena," wrote Credico's lawyer, Martin Stolar.
        Caputo's lawyer also pushed back on what's likely to be the next phase of the Judiciary Committee's investigation: witness interviews.
        Vacco argued that Caputo has already testified before the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, and was interviewed by the special counsel's office, and there was no reason for him to speak before an additional committee.
          "Respectfully, there are only so many ways the same questions can be asked of Mr. Caputo," Vacco wrote. "We see no reason why the House Judiciary Committee cannot obtain the transcript of Mr. Caputo's testimony from (the House Intelligence Committee), and we encourage you to do so."
          This story has been updated with additional developments Tuesday.