More than 80 names receiving House Judiciary Committee letters - CNNPolitics

See the more than 80 names receiving House Judiciary Committee letters in its investigation

(CNN)The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it is sending letters seeking information and documents from more than 80 groups, organizations and individuals, as part of its sweeping investigation into President Donald Trump's campaign, businesses, transition and administration.

In an interview with ABC News' "This Week," Rep. Jerry Nadler said Sunday the requests for documents are to "begin investigations, to present the case to the American people about obstruction of justice, about corruption and abuse of power."
Here's who and what are receiving letters Monday:
    1. Alan Garten
        16. Department of Justice
        23. The Federal Bureau of Investigation
        25. Flynn Intel Group
        26. General Services Administration
        38. Julian David Wheatland
        42. Matt Tait
        59. SCL Group Limited
        65. The White House
        66. The Trump Campaign
        67. Trump Foundation
        68. Trump Organization
        69. Trump Transition
        71. WikiLeaks
        72. The Presidential Inaugural Committee
        73. Christopher Bancroft Burnham
        76. Kushner Companies
        77. National Rifle Association