Teenage Formula 3 driver Sophia Floersch survives crash at Grand Prix in Macau - CNN

    17-year-old Sophia Floersch survives horrific airborne crash at Macau Grand Prix

    Race personnel and pit crew are seen at the accident site after Sophia Floersch flew over the barriers and crashed into a fence during a Formula Three race at the Macau Grand Prix.

    (CNN)A teenage German driver has fractured her spine after suffering a horrifying airborne crash at Macau Grand Prix's Formula Three final on Sunday.

    In dramatic video footage which has been shared on social media, Sophia Floersch -- who is only 17 years old -- can be seen losing control of her Van Amersfoort Racing car and flying over her competitors before slamming into the track fence.
    On Twitter, Floersch thanked everyone for the messages of support.
      "Just wanted to let everybody know that I am fine but will be going into Surgery tomorrow morning," she wrote, adding that there will be an update soon.
        In a medical report published by Van Amersfoort Racing, it says Floersch is conscious and suffered a spinal fracture as a result of the terrifying accident in the Chinese territory.
          The medical report added that Floersch is "not fit to race."
          The governing body of motor sport, the FIA, also published a statement on Facebook which said that Japan's Sho Tsuboi -- whose car Floersch collided with -- had also been taken to a local hospital for "further evaluation," as well as two members of the media and one marshal.