Show us your '80s style - CNN

Show us your '80s style

(CNN)CNN is celebrating the '80s and we want to see your photos.

Did you have big hair, shoulder pads, a Members Only jacket, Wayfarer sunglasses or a pair of acid washed jeans? Were your Walkman headphones glued to your ears, except when you were blasting your favorite cassettes on your boom box? Did you have a mullet? You can tell us -- this is a safe space.
Share you photos below and tell us what made the decade so special to you. You can also post them on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #EightiesCNN.
    We'll feature our favorites on CNN.
      Too young to have embarrassing photos of yourself from the '80s? Not to worry, you can still get in on the fun.
        And then see how it compares to the real '80s style!