Donald Trump describes New Hampshire primary win - CNNPolitics

First on CNN: Donald Trump describes New Hampshire victory

Story highlights

  • Donald Trump won the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary
  • The billionaire businessman spoke to CNN's Jake Tapper shortly after his win

(CNN)Donald Trump on Tuesday night touted his success across demographic lines after winning the New Hampshire primary.

"I was so happy, I just looked at your report and it was right across the board ... with men, with women, with young, with old, with, you know, everything," he told CNN's Jake Tapper, adding later, "To win every single category was, perhaps, the greatest honor of all."
    The billionaire businessman easily won the New Hampshire Republican primary, followed by Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
      He scored big by carrying a range of demographic and ideological groups with more than 30% of the vote, according to exit polls.
      He topped the rest of the field among both men and women, voters under age 64, voters without a college degree, and those who have a college degree but no postgraduate study, conservatives and moderates, both first-time voters and those who've voted before, registered Republicans and those who are registered as undeclared.
      Trump's few weak points included late-deciding voters, who made up nearly half of the electorate and split their votes between Trump and Kasich, and born-again or evangelical Christians, who make up a far smaller share of the electorate in New Hampshire than they do in Iowa.