Suicide: understanding and preventing death - CNN

Understanding and preventing suicide

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Story highlights

  • According to a World Health Organization report, 800,000 people die from suicide every year
  • Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for people between ages 15 and 29
  • Some have suicidal thoughts when dealing with emotional pain, and because of the stigma related to mental illness they don't seek help
  • Organizations like NAMI, Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention are helping

(CNN)According to a World Health Organization report, 800,000 people die from suicide every year. Suicide is the second-highest cause of death for people between ages 15 and 29, and more importantly, it's preventable.

For every suicide that's reported, there are many more attempts that go unreported.
    It's also a global problem. WHO reports that 75% of suicides occur in low and middle income countries.
      Some people think about suicide when emotional pain overwhelms them, and because of the stigma, many may never reach out for help. Communities can play a critical role in suicide prevention. They can provide support to those thinking about suicide and the families affected.
      For more help, you can access resources from the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
      If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273- TALK (8255). If you are seeking help and you are outside the United States, you will find a country-by-country directory here.