Photos: Israelis protest as lawmakers plan judicial overhaul
Protesters demonstrate around a fire near the Knesset in Jerusalem, on Monday, July 24.
Amir Cohen/Reuters

In pictures: Israelis protest as lawmakers plan judicial overhaul

Updated 0021 GMT (0821 HKT) July 25, 2023

Protesters demonstrate around a fire near the Knesset in Jerusalem, on Monday, July 24.
Amir Cohen/Reuters

Israel's parliament has passed the controversial "reasonableness" bill, the first major legislation in the government's plan to weaken the judiciary.

The bill strips the Supreme Court of the power to declare government decisions unreasonable.

It is the first major piece of a multipronged judicial overhaul plan that has split the country. For months, hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been taking to the streets to protest the proposed changes.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his allies call the measures "reforms" and say they are required to rebalance powers between the courts, lawmakers and the government.

Opponents of the plan call it a "coup" and say it threatens to turn Israel into a dictatorship by removing the most significant checks on government actions.

Netanyahu was forced to pause the legislative process earlier this year in the face of widespread protests and international pressure.