Report: Former French President Jacques Chirac - CNN

Former French President Jacques Chirac hospitalized

Jacques Chirac served as the French president from 1995 to 2007.

(CNN)Former French President Jacques Chirac has been admitted to a Paris hospital for a pulmonary infection, his son-in-law Frederic Salat-Baroux said Sunday.

Salat-Baroux said Chirac has been admitted to stay a few days for the treatment.
Chirac, 83, served as the French president from 1995 to 2007.
    He was best known for his staunch opposition to the war in Iraq -- a position that put him at odds with his U.S. counterpart, George W. Bush.
      In 2002, he survived an assassination attempt when a neo-Nazi gunman fired a rifle at his open-top car during the annual Bastille Day parade.