The painted faces of war in Syria

The painted faces of war in Syria

Published 0508 GMT (1308 HKT) February 19, 2016
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The suffering of Syrians is depicted in artist Sara Shamma's "World Civil War Portraits." This painting is titled "Butcher." Courtesy Sara Shamma
"Everything I saw and everything I see, I humanize it," says Shamma. "Meat" is the title of this work. Courtesy Sara Shamma
"Amal" is the name of this 2015 oil painting on canvas. Some 7.5 million Syrian children are in need of humanitarian aid, according to UNICEF. Courtesy Sara Shamma
The oil painting "Icognito 1" is one of four paintings depicting the anonymous suffering of many. Courtesy Sara Shamma
"Self portrait" shows the artist holding a skull. Shamma says she often uses a mirror when she paints. Courtesy Sara Shamma
"Child's drawing" is an oil on canvas completed in 2015. Courtesy Sara Shamma
A human organ hangs in front of a body. The work is titled "In a Box." Courtesy Sara Shamma
A female Syrian is painted in this oil and acrylic called "Woman in Smoke 3" Courtesy Sara Shamma
"Mass Grave" shows body parts and brain tissue. More than 300,000 Syrians have been killed since the start of the conflict, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights estimates. Courtesy Sara Shamma
"I think that this war is not only a war in Syria, it is a world war" says the artist of the exhibit. "Incognito 4" is an oil painting on canvas. Courtesy Sara Shamma
"I'm inspired by human faces. Their eyes, their smells, their bodies" reflects Shamma. The title of this work: "Donor." Courtesy Sara Shamma
"Woman in Smoke" is the name of this piece. Courtesy Sara Shamma