Aleppo photographer watches city die

Aleppo photographer watches city die

Published 1008 GMT (1808 HKT) February 15, 2016
02_Aleppo Photos02_Aleppo Photos
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Two children walk past a "White Helmet" soon after an airstrike hits the Shaar neighborhood of Aleppo. Karam Al Masri for CNN
Members of the "White Helmets" civil defense volunteers carry the body of a man killed in a Russian airstrike in Andan town in the countryside north of of Aleppo. Karam Al Masri for CNN
Buses piled one on top of the other offer some protection from enemy fire. Karam Al Masri for CNN
Keeping the lights on: The electricity "operations room" in a neighborhood of rebel-held Aleppo. Karam Al Masri for CNN
Two men and their donkey navigate the bombed alleyways of Almarja district in eastern Aleppo. Karam Al Masri for CNN
A mother watches over her children as they return from school; the massive sheet hanging in the street is to deter government snipers. Karam Al Masri for CNN
A street that is monitored by regime snipers. Karam Al Masri for CNN
A stall holder waits for customers; there are reports of some hoarding of rice and flour as the regime's siege tightens. Karam Al Masri for CNN
A street market in Aleppo that is still open despite constant airstrikes -- and the huge slab of concrete hanging over it. Karam Al Masri for CNN
There is still fresh produce in the market stalls but it is more difficult to bring into the city, and much more expensive than even a few weeks ago. Karam Al Masri for CNN