Barack Obama, Angela Merkel enjoy view in Germany - CNNPolitics

In Bavaria, Obama and Merkel take in the view

World leaders meet in Germany for G7 Summit_00013911
World leaders meet in Germany for G7 Summit_00013911


    World leaders meet in Germany for G7 Summit


World leaders meet in Germany for G7 Summit 02:33

Telfs-Buchen, Austria (CNN)The topics on the agenda might be serious, but even President Barack Obama found a moment to be distracted by the alpine views at this week's G7 meeting in Germany.

A photo captured Monday shows the president stretching out on a wooden bench, chatting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel with the jagged Bavarian Alps rising in the distance.
    Obama is closer to Merkel than almost any other world leader, and on Sunday praised her leadership on issues like climate change and the crisis in Ukraine.
      She, in turn, gave Obama a tour on the traditional village Krun, high in the mountains above Munich.
      Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel (C) gestures while chatting with US President Barack Obama sitting on a bench outside the Elmau Castle after a so-called outreach meeting at a G7 summit near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, southern Germany, on June 8, 2015.
      The pair snacked on pretzels and drank tall glasses of beer -- which a local official later revealed was non-alcoholic.