A timeline of Anthony Weiner's saga - CNNPolitics

Congress, lewd photos and NYC's mayoral race: An Anthony Weiner timeline

Anthony Weiner's latest gaffe
Anthony Weiner's latest gaffe


    Anthony Weiner's latest gaffe


Anthony Weiner's latest gaffe 02:56
From the first explicit photos to his denial, resignation from Congress, bid for New York mayor and the latest scandal, here's a look at former Rep. Anthony Weiner's last few years in the spotlight:
-- July 29, 2010: Weiner, a Democratic congressman from New York, gains national attention for an impassioned speech on the House floor about health care for 9/11 emergency responders. Videos of the speech go viral and catapult Weiner into the public spotlight.
-- May 27, 2011: A lewd photo appears briefly on Weiner's Twitter account. Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart is first to report the image, which shows the bulging crotch of a man in his underwear.
-- May 30, 2011: The congressman tells reporters a hacker got control of his Twitter account. "Look, this is a prank and not a terribly creative one," Weiner says.
Standing by your man helps in the polls?
Standing by your man helps in the polls?


    Standing by your man helps in the polls?


Standing by your man helps in the polls? 01:46
Weiner: What I did was wrong
Weiner: What I did was wrong


    Weiner: What I did was wrong


Weiner: What I did was wrong 03:23
Psychologist: Weiner needs more therapy
Psychologist: Weiner needs more therapy


    Psychologist: Weiner needs more therapy


Psychologist: Weiner needs more therapy 02:54
-- June 1, 2011: Weiner tells CNN he did not post the picture and has hired a law firm to investigate. He continues to evade the question about whether the photo is of him.
-- June 6, 2011: In an abrupt about-face, a tearful Weiner apologizes for having lied about his Twitter account being hacked and admits to having engaged in inappropriate online relationships with several women he met on the Internet, generally on Facebook. He tells reporters he will not resign and does not plan to separate from his wife. "To be clear, the picture was of me, and I sent it," Weiner says.
-- June 9, 2011: CNN learns that Weiner and his wife, Huma Abedin, are expecting their first child. Abedin is an adviser to Hillary Clinton.
-- June 11, 2011: Weiner decides he will seek treatment "to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person" and will ask for a "short leave of absence" from Congress, his spokeswoman says. It was not clear what type of treatment he would undergo.
-- June 12, 2011: TMZ publishes photos of Weiner, in various states of undress, which he apparently took of himself in a locker room.
-- June 16, 2011: Weiner announces his resignation from Congress to reporters at a senior center in Brooklyn, New York. He apologizes "for the personal mistakes I have made and for the embarrassment I have caused."
-- December 21, 2011: Weiner's wife gives birth to their first child, a boy named Jordan Zain Weiner.
-- July 12, 2012: In an interview published by People magazine, Weiner says he has no immediate plans to run for office again.
"I can't say absolutely that I will never run for public office again, but I'm very happy in my present life," Weiner said when asked about rumors he might run for New York mayor. "I'm not doing anything to plan a campaign."
-- May 21, 2013: After months of speculation, Weiner announces he is running for mayor of New York City.
"Look, I've made some big mistakes and I know I've let a lot of people down. But I've also learned some tough lessons," Weiner says in a video posted on his campaign website. "I'm running for mayor because I've been fighting for the middle class and those struggling to make it for my entire life. And I hope I get a second chance to work for you."
-- July 23, 2013: A gossip website publishes screen shots of sexual conversations that Weiner allegedly had with a woman last summer.
Hours later, Weiner said some of the explicit online chats took place after his resignation from the U.S. House in 2011.
Weiner apologizes with wife at his side
Weiner apologizes with wife at his side


    Weiner apologizes with wife at his side


Weiner apologizes with wife at his side 10:15
Weiner's wife: Forgiving him wasn't easy
Weiner's wife: Forgiving him wasn't easy


    Weiner's wife: Forgiving him wasn't easy


Weiner's wife: Forgiving him wasn't easy 02:04
Abedin, his wife, joined Weiner during the press conference for the first time. She said while her husband has made some "horrible mistakes, both before he resigned from Congress and after," she was sticking with him.
"What I want to say is I love him, I have forgiven him, I believe in him, and as I have said from the beginning, we are moving forward," Abedin said.
On the same day, Harper's Bazaar publicized excerpts of an article Abedin wrote for the magazine's September issue.
"New Yorkers will have to decide for themselves whether or not to give him a second chance," she wrote. "I had to make that same decision for myself, for my son, for our family. And I know in my heart that I made the right one."
But the editorial board of The New York Times said Weiner's problems have marred his mayoral run:
"The serially evasive Mr. Weiner should take his marital troubles and personal compulsions out of the public eye, away from cameras, off the Web and out of the race for mayor of New York City."