Pinning the blame on Nixon

Pinning the blame on Nixon

Updated 2151 GMT (0551 HKT) June 18, 2015
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August 9, 1974, Richard Nixon resigned the presidency in disgrace. That summer brought not only the specter of impeachment hearings on Capitol Hill, but prompted entrepreneurs to produce a series of 'campaign-style' anti-Nixon buttons. Today they are prized by political memorabilia collectors -- a souvenir from that summer of Watergate.
Learn how a "third-rate burglary" brought down a presidency on "The People vs. Richard Nixon" part of the CNN Original Series "The Seventies," Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT.
HM Roselli
"Impeachment with honor" is a riff on Nixon's goal of achieving "peace with honor" in Vietnam. HM Roselli
"Don't blame me, I was for McGovern." Nixon beat McGovern in a landslide in the 1972 presidential election. HM Roselli
"Nixon's the one!" offers an ironic recasting of Nixon's 1968 campaign slogan implying that he'd be the one to end the war in Vietnam. HM Roselli
"Kennedy in '76" expressed hopes that Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy would run for president. He decided not to and the Democratic nomination and presidency went instead to Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter. HM Roselli
"Nixon knew." During the Watergate hearings, Sen. Howard Baker, Jr., asked the central question "what did the president know, and when did he know it?" HM Roselli