Wildfires are ravaging the West Coast. Here's how you can help - CNN

Wildfires are ravaging the West Coast. Here's how you can help

(CNN)Since August deadly wildfires have wreaked havoc on California, Oregon, and Washington forcing tens of thousands of people into shelters amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Various non-profit organizations are responding to assist first responders, displaced residents and help with recovery. To support all of the organizations helping out, click on the button above or click here.
The Red Cross is working in all three states providing meals, health services, comfort and other support for affected residents.. The organization is accepting donations and looking to enlist thousands of volunteers to help during wildfire season.
The United Way has wildfire emergency relief funds set up for Oregon, Washington and California to support individuals, families and communities that have been displaced or impacted by this crisis.
Due to the pandemic, long-term needs like rehousing and income recovery may be particularly difficult for fire victims. The Center for Disaster Philanthropy is allocating funds to help.
The California Fire Foundation's Supplying Aid to Victims of Emergency (SAVE) program accepts donations to help those affected by the fires. The organization provides $250 gift cards to eligible victims.
The Salvation Army is assisting across all three states. The organization is providing food, hydration, emotional support for first responders, evacuees and survivors.
The Wildland Firefighter Foundation provides financial support to families of those who died or were injured in the line of the of duty while fighting fires.
Direct Relief is making available respirators, oxygen concentrators, and other medical resources to more than 200 state and county health agencies, emergency management departments, community health centers and clinics in fire-affected areas.
Save the Children is providing critical emergency relief supplies to children and families in Central Valley, California, and southern Washington -- including air purifying fans to improve the air quality in their homes, and masks to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.