Los Angeles mayor says he won't increase the police budget

June 4 George Floyd protest news

By Jessie Yeung, Steve George, Laura Smith-Spark, Peter Wilkinson, Melissa Macaya, Meg Wagner, Mike Hayes and Fernando Alfonso III, CNN

Updated 0428 GMT (1228 HKT) June 5, 2020
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1:33 a.m. ET, June 4, 2020

Los Angeles mayor says he won't increase the police budget

Protestors are arrested downtown by police after curfew went into effect during demonstrations over George Floyd’s death on June 2, in Los Angeles.
Protestors are arrested downtown by police after curfew went into effect during demonstrations over George Floyd’s death on June 2, in Los Angeles. Mario Tama/Getty Images

While addressing plans to reform the Los Angeles police department earlier today, Mayor Eric Garcetti said he will not be increasing the police budget.

He explained that “this is bigger than just a budget,” and “it is time to move our rhetoric towards action to end racism in our society.”

He announced that the city had identified $250 million in cuts to be invested in jobs, health, education, and healing, focusing on the city’s black community as well as “communities of color, women, and people who have been left behind for too long.”

Los Angeles Police Commission President Eileen Decker also announced that $100-150 million dollars of cuts from the LAPD's budget will be identified to further enhance community neighborhood policing.

Decker said the Commission would also:

  • Support establishing an independent prosecutor outside the county’s district attorney’s office for the prosecution of police officers.
  • Develop more ways to enhance oversight of officers who have exhibited a pattern of high-risk behavior.
  • Complete de-escalation training and crowd control training for the entire police department by the end of this year.
  • Publish a new department policy that requires officers to intervene when other officers use excessive force, and that requires officers to report misconduct.

Mayor Garcetti also addressed the importance of having a civilian oversight team for the police department.

A team of five unpaid volunteers appointed by the mayor will look at policies that guide the police department, oversee its operations, and review all officer-involved shootings, said Garcetti.

The commission and the police chief will have a public meeting every week where residents are given the opportunity to speak directly to the entire leadership of the department, said the mayor.

8:45 a.m. ET, June 4, 2020

Just joining us? Here are the main developments from Wednesday

Atlanta Police Officer J. Coleman, left, and protester Elijah Raffington, of Sandy Springs, fist bump during a George Floyd protest at Centennial Olympic Park Drive in Atlanta, Georgia, on Wednesday, June 3.
Atlanta Police Officer J. Coleman, left, and protester Elijah Raffington, of Sandy Springs, fist bump during a George Floyd protest at Centennial Olympic Park Drive in Atlanta, Georgia, on Wednesday, June 3. Curtis Compton/Atlanta Journal-Constitution/AP

Nine days after the death of George Floyd, protesters are still out on the streets of major cities across America, even with curfews now in place.

Here are some of the latest developments today:

  • Calmer protests: Demonstrations today have stayed largely calm, with fewer arrests and violent confrontations than the previous week. Peaceful protesters are still out in cities like Atlanta, Washington, DC, and Seattle. There were clashes in New York between protesters and police, but authorities say the city was still quieter than before, with no reported instances of looting.
  • Minneapolis officers charged: All four former Minneapolis police officers involved in George Floyd's killing have been charged. The officer who pressed his knee into Floyd's neck was charged with a more serious count of second-degree murder, and the three other officers on scene during his killing were charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder.
  • Atlanta officers charged: Six Atlanta police officers are being charged with using excessive force during an arrest of two college students at a protest on Saturday night. The officers were filmed breaking windows of a vehicle, yanking a woman out of the car and tasing a man. The two were later identified as college students.
  • Obama speaks out: Former President Barack Obama held a livestream event today, in which he urged young people to "stay hopeful" and take action. “Just remember, this country was founded on protest," he said.
  • Defense Secretary on deploying troops: Secretary of Defense Mark Esper called the killing of George Floyd a “horrible crime” and said the officers involved should be "held accountable for his murder." He also said he didn't support using active troops to quell protests, in direct contradiction to President Trump's message earlier this week.
  • Mattis tears into Trump: Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis slammed Trump as "the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people," in a forceful rebuke of his former boss. "We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership," he said.
8:46 a.m. ET, June 4, 2020

Seattle Mayor ends curfew, walking back the week-long extension

From CNN’s Andy Rose

Seattle Police officers watch as protesters fill the street in front of City Hall on Wednesday, June 3, during protests over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Seattle Police officers watch as protesters fill the street in front of City Hall on Wednesday, June 3, during protests over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Elaine Thompson/AP

The Seattle mayor has announced an immediate end to the city's curfew, walking back her decision just yesterday to extend the curfew through the end of the week.

Mayor Jenny Durkan said on Twitter that the major change in policy was in response to a request from community leaders at a meeting she attended today with Police Chief Carmen Best.

“Chief Best believes we can balance public safety and ensure peaceful protests can continue without a curfew,” Mayor Durkan tweeted.

“For those peacefully demonstrating tonight, please know you can continue to demonstrate. We want you to continue making your voice heard.”

Reversing the extension: She had announced just yesterday that the curfew would be in effect every night all this week -- but the Seattle Police Department reported that it arrested only two people during protests on Tuesday.

1:59 a.m. ET, June 4, 2020

The 3 Minnesota officers charged Wednesday in George Floyd's death will appear in court Thursday

From CNN’s Andy Rose

From left: J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao have been charged with aiding and abetting Derek Chauvin, who is charged with second-degree murder of George Floyd. Chauvin is charged with second-degree murder of George Floyd, a black man who died after being restrained by the Minneapolis police officers on May 25
From left: J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao have been charged with aiding and abetting Derek Chauvin, who is charged with second-degree murder of George Floyd. Chauvin is charged with second-degree murder of George Floyd, a black man who died after being restrained by the Minneapolis police officers on May 25 Hennepin County Sheriff's Office/AP

All three former Minneapolis police officers who were arrested Wednesday on charges of aiding and abetting the murder of George Floyd will have their first court appearances on Thursday afternoon.

The three officers -- J. Alexander Keung, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao -- are set to appear before the judicial officer at 1:45 p.m. ET.

The hearings were pushed up by 45 minutes from their original schedule, according to court records. 

No official reason was given, but the original start times would have had the former officers appearing in court at the same time as a televised memorial for George Floyd in Minneapolis, to be attended by his family

1:59 a.m. ET, June 4, 2020

Los Angeles mayor plans to lift curfew on Thursday

Demonstrators take part in a George Floyd protest in downtown Los Angeles, on Wednesday, June 3.
Demonstrators take part in a George Floyd protest in downtown Los Angeles, on Wednesday, June 3. Ringo H.W. Chiu/AP

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said in a press conference earlier today that he plans to lift the city’s curfew on Thursday.

Barring a bad night from tonight, the curfew will be lifted for the city of Los Angeles starting tomorrow, Garcetti said.

All ten million Los Angeles County residents have been under a curfew order for four consecutive nights.

The curfew tonight will began at 9 p.m. local time instead of 6 p.m., as had been the case for previous curfew orders. 

The later curfew is a reflection of the peaceful protests, as well as good policing, Garcetti said.

The curfew tonight will be in place until 5 a.m. tomorrow morning.

2:00 a.m. ET, June 4, 2020

NYPD Commissioner: "This is about a systematic issue, it's about racism"

Police Commissioner Dermot Shea media briefing ahead of scheduled protest at City Hall in New York.
Police Commissioner Dermot Shea media briefing ahead of scheduled protest at City Hall in New York. Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket/Getty Images

Speaking to CNN on Wednesday night, New York Police Commissioner Dermot Shea praised peaceful protesters and said he was "sickened" by the video of George Floyd's death.

"We've had incredible crowds the last few days, and by far, overwhelmingly, it's people coming out, voicing their concern," he said. "It's very small groups (doing) vandalism, violence, things of that sort."

He added that police officers were "trying to have a softer touch as possible, hear people, see people. We continue to reinforce that we respect the rights of people to peacefully assemble."

The situation in New York: There are still thousands of people on the streets, he said -- primarily in Manhattan and Brooklyn, despite it being past the curfew time of 8 p.m. There is also some activity on the outer boroughs, and many groups are on the move and marching.

There have been some arrests, but far less than the past few days, he said. There were no incidents of looting reported tonight yet, but he cautioned that "the night is still young, it's a fluid situation."

On police excessive force: When asked about several incidents in the past week of NYPD officers seen using excessive force during the protests, Shea said every case was being investigated by the police internal affairs office.

"This is about a systematic issue. It's about racism, it's about opportunities. And I think that on the law enforcement side, we are well aware of this on the executive side and in leadership positions," he said.

He also referenced the video that captured George Floyd's last moments, saying it "sickened me, it turned my stomach ... It was just a disregard for human life."

"Anyone that looks at that video, and isn't knocked off your feet, I don't know that you have a conscience," he said.

He added that he had already been working to create changes in policy and procedures, and that a wider societal change was needed.

"We really have to do a little more and change the culture ... If this doesn't show us that we have to do better as a society, this is the time to come together."

2:49 a.m. ET, June 4, 2020

State autopsy shows George Floyd tested positive for coronavirus

From CNN’s Andy Rose

George Floyd tested positive for the novel coronavirus in a test taken after his death, according to Hennepin County’s new autopsy report released earlier today. 

The post-mortem nasal swab was found to be “positive for 2019-nCoV RNA,” said the report, using another term for the type of coronavirus that causes Covid-19.

Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker said the type of test performed for the autopsy, called PCR, can show a positive result “for weeks after the onset and resolution of clinical disease.” 

As a result, Baker said, “the autopsy result most likely reflects asymptomatic but persistent PCR positivity from previous infection” -- meaning the virus played no known role in Floyd’s death and he was unlikely to have been contagious.

2:00 a.m. ET, June 4, 2020

New York police have arrested at least 90 people tonight

From CNN's Mark Morales

At least 90 people were arrested in New York during tonight's protests, according to the New York police.

It's a far lower number than Tuesday night, when at least 280 people were arrested, according to the police.

NYPD Chief of Department Terrance Monahan said the night had been relatively peaceful with no looting. He also highlighted the difference between peaceful protests and the ones causing violence. 

“We are one with the protestors,” Monahan said. “We are out there for a justified cause but not with the people who want to cause mayhem to our city.”