Federal judge denies man's release, says he was alarmed by "small armory" allegedly found near US Capitol

House pushes for Trump's removal after deadly Capitol riot

By Meg Wagner, Melissa Macaya, Mike Hayes, Melissa Mahtani and Veronica Rocha, CNN

Updated 0629 GMT (1429 HKT) January 13, 2021
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4:50 p.m. ET, January 12, 2021

Federal judge denies man's release, says he was alarmed by "small armory" allegedly found near US Capitol

From CNN's Marshall Cohen

Guns and weapons that the DOJ says were found in the truck of Lonnie Coffman, who was indicted on weapons charges in connection with the events at the Capitol last week.
Guns and weapons that the DOJ says were found in the truck of Lonnie Coffman, who was indicted on weapons charges in connection with the events at the Capitol last week. Department of Justice

A man found with several guns and bombs near the US Capitol last week while it was being attacked will remain in jail while he awaits trial on weapons charges, a federal judge ruled Tuesday.

The man, Lonnie Coffman of Alabama, was charged in one of the most alarming cases to emerge so far from last week’s events. He allegedly brought several guns, extra rounds of ammunition and nearly a dozen homemade explosives to the US Capitol area on the day of the attack. Investigators found the items in Coffman’s car and arrested him when he returned to his vehicle, according to court documents. 

Magistrate Judge G. Michael Harvey of the DC District Court said he was alarmed by the “small armory" allegedly found in the car, and said Coffman would “pose a danger to the community” if released.

“It’s hard to understand why any one person would have the need for so much firepower. It raises significant concern… about what your intentions were on that day,” Harvey said at a virtual hearing.

Prosecutors have not accused Coffman of participating in the attack on the Capitol building. His lawyer, Tony Miles, said at a hearing on Tuesday that Coffman was “innocent” of the charges and questioned the strength of the case. He also noted that Coffman was an Army veteran who fought in Vietnam. 

Investigators found handwritten notes in Coffman’s truck that included a quote about the need “to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution,” according to court records. 

The notes also included the names of a Democratic member of Congress that he singled out for being Muslim, and an Obama-appointed judge. The handwritten notes also contained references to right-wing conspiracy websites.

5:16 p.m. ET, January 12, 2021

FBI considers putting some of those who attacked the Capitol on no-fly list

From CNN's Pete Muntean and Greg Wallace

The FBI is acknowledging for the first time that it is considering keeping those who attacked the Capitol last week from boarding planes by adding them to the federal no-fly list.

When asked by CNN’s Evan Pérez, FBI Washington Field Office Assistant Director in Charge Steven D'Antuono said that the bureau would consider adding rioters to the no-fly list, which is administered by the Transportation Security Administration.

“As for the no-fly list, we look at all tools and techniques that we possibly can use within the FBI and that’s something we are actively looking at," said D'Antuono.

On Tuesday, congressional leaders intensified calls to keep rioters off planes after they said they remained mostly in the dark from the agencies that oversee the list. “We cannot allow these same insurrectionists to get on a plane and cause more violence, and more damage," Sen. Chuck Schumer said during a Tuesday afternoon news conference.

The top Democrat and Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee told TSA Administrator David Pekoske in a letter they were concerned “little is being done to disrupt the travel of terrorists who just attacked the seat of the U.S. Government and wish to do so again.”

Chairman Bennie Thompson, a Democrat, and ranking Republican member John Katko wrote they were concerned that many of the same groups that planned and carried out Wednesday’s attack intend to return to Washington, DC, to cause further disruption and violence in the coming days, including at the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden.

Some context: The no-fly list is derived out of the Terrorist Screening Database kept by the FBI. Much of how it works, including what qualifies a person for inclusion, is classified.

The FBI and other intelligence services can nominate individuals for the list or the selectee list, which designates an individual as the subject of additional security screening at the airport.

When a person checks in for a flight, his or her reservation information is checked against the TSA’s Secure Flight database, which includes determining whether the traveler is on the no-fly list or selectee list.

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4:41 p.m. ET, January 12, 2021

Republican senator says Trump bears some responsibility for Capitol riot

From CNN's Manu Raju 

Sen. Rob Portman
Sen. Rob Portman Michael Brochstein/Sipa USA/FILE

Sen. Rob Portman, a Republican from Ohio, said President Trump bears "some responsibility" for the attack on the US Capitol last week that left at least five people dead including a Capitol Hill police officer. 

In a statement, Portman said:

“Both in his words before the attack on the Capitol and in his actions afterward, President Trump bears some responsibility for what happened on January 6. We are now hearing from the FBI and others about the threat of additional violence in Washington, DC and at state capitols around the country between now and President-Elect Biden’s inauguration on January 20. These reports are deeply concerning. Violence is never the answer, and we must take all threats seriously. The orderly and peaceful transfer of power on January 20 is a hallmark of our democracy. 
Today, I call on President Trump to address the nation and explicitly urge his supporters to remain peaceful and refrain from violence. If our nation experiences additional violence and destruction at the hands of his supporters in Washington DC and state capitols around the country, and he does not directly and unambiguously speak out now when threats are known, he will bear responsibility."

President Trump has taken no responsibility for his actions that led to his supporters storming the Capitol last week. Instead, in a speech in Alamo, Texas, today, Trump discussed Democratic efforts underway to remove him from office saying, “The 25th Amendment is of zero risk to me but will come back to haunt Joe Biden and the Biden administration – as the expression goes, be careful what you wish for.”


4:20 p.m. ET, January 12, 2021

Top military officials condemn "sedition and insurrection" at US Capitol

From CNN's Oren Liebermann and Barbara Starr

Gen. Mark Milley and the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff, which comprise the chiefs of staff of each military branch, issued a statement to the military force Wednesday condemning the invasion of the US Capitol last week and reminding service members of their obligation to support and defend the Constitution and reject extremism.

“We witnessed actions inside the Capitol building that were inconsistent with the rule of law. The rights of freedom of speech and assembly do not give anyone the right to resort to violence, sedition and insurrection,” the wrote in the statement.

As CNN reported earlier today, the statement is considered a significant step because the chiefs have sought to stay out of anything that may have political overtones. But given what has happened, the Chiefs felt it was important to make a statement given the gravity of events surrounding the inauguration.

“As Service Members, we must embody the embody the values and ideals of the Nation. We support and defend the Constitution. Any act to disrupt the Constitutional process is not only against our traditions, values, and oath; it is against the law,” the statement said.

In addition, the statement referenced the certification of the election by the Congress next week and said “President-elect Biden will be inaugurated and will become our 46th Commander in Chief.”

5:04 p.m. ET, January 12, 2021

Trump's warning on 25th Amendment: "Be careful what you wish for"

From CNN's Allie Malloy 

Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images
Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

President Trump began remarks at the border wall sending what sounds like a warning to Congress saying, “The 25th Amendment is of zero risk to me but will come back to haunt Joe Biden and the Biden administration – as the expression goes, be careful what you wish for.”

Trump began remarks at the wall in Alamo, Texas, discussing the violent riots at the Capitol Wednesday, once again taking no responsibility for his actions that led to his supporters storming the Capitol. 

Before even discussing the actual events, or condemning the actions of his supporters, Trump started focused on himself, saying, “Before we begin I’d like to say that free speech is under assault like never before."

“The impeachment hoax is a continuation of the greatest and most vicious witch hunt is causing tremendous anger and division and pain far greater than what most people will ever understand. Which is very dangerous for the USA especially at this very tender time,” Trump added. 

Trump then discussed the attack claiming, “As I have consistently said throughout my administration, we believe in respecting American’s history and traditions, not tearing them down. We believe in the rule of law, not in violence or rioting. Because of the pandemic — horrible, horrible invisible enemy.” 

Trump at the end of his remarks on the subject called for “peace and calm” and also “respect for law enforcement and the great people within law enforcement,” adding it was the “foundation of the MAGA agenda.”

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4:18 p.m. ET, January 12, 2021

Official says pipe bombs left outside parties' headquarters were real

From CNN's Katelyn Polantz

Steven D'Antuono, an FBI assistant director out of Washington, said agents are still investigating whether participants in the riot were looking to take hostage members of Congress. 

He noted the FBI is pursuing information about a person or people who helped to plant pipe bombs outside the Republican and Democratic headquarters last week. He said the bombs were real — and had timers.

"We don't know exactly why they didn't go off," he said Tuesday.

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4:32 p.m. ET, January 12, 2021

House members will now need to be screened through metal detectors to access chamber floor

From CNN's Daniella Diaz

Following last week's attack on Capitol Hill, and concerns among members that some colleagues have been ignoring House rules and bringing firearms into the Capitol building, the US Capitol Police have set up metal detectors outside the House floor.

CNN has confirmed that all House members, staff and aides will need to be screened before being allowed on the floor, a Democratic aide tells CNN. Separately a US Capitol Police source confirmed the measures are in place as well. 

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4:10 p.m. ET, January 12, 2021

DC US attorney says prosecutors have "marching orders" to pursue sedition and conspiracy cases

From CNN's Katelyn Polantz

DC US Attorney Michael Sherwin and Steven D'Antuono, an FBI assistant director out of Washington, vowed on Tuesday to leave no stone unturned as they treat the investigation of Capitol rioters similar to terrorism.

Sherwin said he gave his prosecutors "marching orders" to pursue significant sedition and conspiracy cases as well related to the insurrection.

The Justice Department has already charged 70 cases, and Sherwin said he believes that number will grow into the 100s, and already arrested individuals may face more serious crimes.

The FBI is tracking money, travel records, movements of people and communications in addition to following tips from the public and footage and photos from the scene on Jan. 6.

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3:55 p.m. ET, January 12, 2021

US Chamber of Commerce CEO issues a strong rebuke of Trump

From CNN’s Fredreka Schouten

Tom Donohue, CEO of the US Chamber of Commerce, called President Trump's actions in connection with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot "absolutely unacceptable and completely inexcusable."

Trump "has undermined our domestic institutions and our ideals," Donohue told reporters at a news conference on Tuesday. 

"It is for the Vice President, the Cabinet and the Congress to decide whether or not to invoke the 25th Amendment or pursue impeachment or other measures, and we entrust them to use these tools judiciously, if needed, to ensure our nation’s well-being and security," he added.

The powerful business group also warned that said some lawmakers could lose financial support over their efforts to thwart the peaceful transfer of power but declined to single them out.

"We will take into account the totality of what candidates and elected officials do, including the actions of last week, and importantly, the actions in the days ahead in determining whether or not we support them," chamber executive vice president Neil Bradley said.

"I actually want to be very clear: There are some members, who by their actions, will have forfeited the support of the US Chamber of Commerce. Period. Full Stop," he added.

The US House of Representatives is expected to vote Wednesday on whether to impeach Trump on charges he incited an insurrection.