UN chief criticizes Israel for creating "massive obstacles" for aid distribution in Gaza

December 22, 2023 Israel-Hamas war

By Tara Subramaniam, Aditi Sangal, Jack Guy, Adrienne Vogt, Elise Hammond, Matt Meyer and Chris Lau, CNN

Updated 0507 GMT (1307 HKT) December 23, 2023
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2:43 p.m. ET, December 22, 2023

UN chief criticizes Israel for creating "massive obstacles" for aid distribution in Gaza

From CNN's Niamh Kennedy

The head of the United Nations says Israel's military activity in Gaza is creating "massive obstacles" for aid distribution in the enclave.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that measuring the success of the aid operation to Gaza through the number of trucks entering the enclave is a mistake.

"The real problem is that the way Israel is conducting this offensive is creating massive obstacles to the distribution of humanitarian aid inside Gaza," Guterres said, pointing to continued "intense Israeli bombardment" and ground operations.

The UN chief said these actions show there has been "no significant change" in how Israel is operating in the enclave and that there is also "no effective protection of civilians."

According to Guterres, who was speaking at his end-of-year address to journalists in New York on Friday, an effective aid operation in Gaza would require adequate security, staffing, logistical capacity and the resumption of commercial activity. 

Honing in on the logistical challenges facing the aid operation, Guterres said the UN has an insufficient number of trucks in Gaza. He said Israel's refusal to allow any additional trucks to operate there is "massively hampering the aid operation." 

He also called the resumption of commercial activity in Gaza an "essential" priority.

"Wallets are empty, stomachs are empty," he said.

Guterres said he hoped the UN Security Council resolution passed Friday would help to alleviate the "ongoing nightmare" people in Gaza are experiencing but ultimately stressed that "much more is needed immediately," calling once more for a humanitarian ceasefire.

2:15 p.m. ET, December 22, 2023

Hezbollah kills Israeli soldier in attack launched from Lebanon, IDF says

From Tamar Michaelis in Tel Aviv, Charbel Mallo in Abu Dhabi and Lauren Kent

Hezbollah killed an Israeli soldier in an attack launched from Lebanon on Friday, according to the Israel Defense Forces. Another IDF soldier was "severely injured" in the attack, which happened near the northern Israeli town of Shtula.

The soldier killed was 19-year-old Sgt. Amit Hod Ziv of the IDF's 188th Armored Brigade, the military said.

The Lebanese militant group claimed responsibility in a Friday statement, saying it carried out the assault "with rocket weapons and artillery, causing direct hits." Hezbollah said it launched the attack in support of the Palestinian people.

Hezbollah considers Shomera, Israel, which is near the town of Shtula, to be an "occupied Lebanese village" after the area was captured in 1948. 

Israel's military fired back at Hezbollah later Friday, it said in a statement, launching artillery at areas in Lebanon that it said it had identified as "the sources of fire" on Israel.

An IDF fighter jet also struck Hezbollah infrastructure and a military site belonging to the group, Israeli officials said.

Remember: This fighting is centered on northern Israel and southern Lebanon — separate from Israel's battle with Hamas in Gaza. But there has been an uptick in clashes between the powerful Lebanese paramilitary group and Israel since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, raising fears of a broader regional conflict.

2:01 p.m. ET, December 22, 2023

Humanitarian organization welcomes demands for aid to Gaza but says immediate ceasefire is still needed

From CNN's Becky Anderson

Aid trucks enter from Egypt en route to Gaza, seen from the Kerem Shalom crossing in Israel on Friday.
Aid trucks enter from Egypt en route to Gaza, seen from the Kerem Shalom crossing in Israel on Friday. Clodagh Kilcoyne/Reuters

The International Rescue Committee welcomed calls for immediate humanitarian access throughout Gaza but criticized the newly-passed United Nations Security Council resolution for not including a call for a ceasefire.

The IRC said that "from a humanitarian point of view, the failure of the UNSC to demand an immediate and sustained ceasefire is unjustifiable."

The resolution calls for pauses in fighting between Israel and Hamas to allow more aid into Gaza. The vote had been delayed over the last several days as the council reworked the language of the text. 

The IRC said "immediate, safe and unhindered humanitarian access through all available routes to Palestinians throughout Gaza" and the upholding of humanitarian law, among other things, are "prerequisites for relief of the humanitarian suffering."

"However, with more than 20,000 Palestinians killed and latest food insecurity numbers showing unprecedented threat of starvation in Gaza, much more is clearly needed," the IRC said in a statement.

The organization reiterated its position that a ceasefire is the only way to "protect Palestinian lives, enable a sufficient humanitarian response, and offer the best chance of hostage release."

3:53 p.m. ET, December 22, 2023

Israel calls UN resolution "unnecessary" and thanks US for its efforts

From CNN's Alex Marquardt

Israel is "grateful" to the United States for its efforts to "address the most problematic elements" in the United Nations Security Council resolution that was adopted Friday, an Israeli official told CNN.

"They really worked hard, and we really appreciate their efforts," the official added.

The resolution that was passed calls for the “urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip for a sufficient number of days to enable full, rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access.”

The US abstained from voting, allowing it to pass. Russia also abstained.

The official called the resolution "unnecessary and proves the inability for the UN to play a positive role in the conflict."

Israel's Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan said the organization was too focused on aid to Gaza, instead of giving their attention to the crisis of hostages captured by Hamas.

“The UN's focus only on the aid mechanisms for Gaza is unnecessary and disconnected from reality — Israel, in any case, allows the entry of aid on any necessary scale. The UN should have focused on the humanitarian crisis of the hostages held in Gaza,” Erdan said in a social media post following the adoption of the resolution.

The ambassador also called it “a disgrace” that “the Security Council as a body has not yet condemned the October 7 massacre" and blamed the UN policies for “allowing Hamas to dig terror tunnels and manufacture missiles and rockets.” 

“It is clear that the UN cannot be trusted to monitor the incoming aid to the Gaza Strip,” he claimed.

Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Eli Cohen also reiterated that Israel will "continue the war until the release of all the hostages and the eradication of Hamas in the Gaza Strip."

"Israel will continue operating according to international law and will inspect — due to security concerns — all the humanitarian aid entering Gaza. The UNSC resolution is right calling to ensure that the UN becomes more efficient in transferring humanitarian aid, and make sure it’s reaching its destination and not Hamas," the foreign affairs minister said.

More context: It comes as Israel’s relations with the UN have sunk to a historic low. Israel has long felt the UN is biased against it. Multiple Israeli officials have publicly called for the resignation of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who has repeatedly condemned Hamas’ October 7 attack, including in the letter in which he invoked Article 99 to raise the Security Council’s attention to the situation in Gaza.

This post has been updated with comments from Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations.

Tamar Michaelis and CNN's Mariya Knight contributed reporting to this post.

1:43 p.m. ET, December 22, 2023

UN Security Council passes Gaza resolution after days of negotiations as US abstains from voting

From CNN's Maija Ehlinger and Michael Bodenhorst

Members of the United Nations Security Council vote on a resolution calling for pauses in fighting between Israel and Hamas in order to establish humanitarian corridors throughout Gaza during a meeting at UN headquarters in New York on Friday.
Members of the United Nations Security Council vote on a resolution calling for pauses in fighting between Israel and Hamas in order to establish humanitarian corridors throughout Gaza during a meeting at UN headquarters in New York on Friday. David Dee Delgado/Reuters

The United Nations passed a resolution Friday calling for the “urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip for a sufficient number of days to enable full, rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access.”

The United States, which has vetoed previous draft resolutions, abstained from voting. Russia abstained from the vote as well.

The vote passed 13-0. It comes after being delayed over the last several days as the council reworked the language of the text. 

Following the vote, US Amb. to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield called the council's decision a "strong humanitarian resolution," adding that the vote made it clear that "all parties must respect international humanitarian law."

The representative from the Russian Federation, Vasily Nebenzy, had put an amendment before the Security Council just prior to the vote that focused on “immediate cessation of hostilities,” saying that the new language was "neutered" by the United States and that with "each new drafting, the text lost more and more important provisions."

"By signing off on this, the council would essential be giving Israeli armed forces complete freedom of movement for further clearing of the Gaza Strip," he added when speaking about the need for an amendment.

That amendment was rejected.

12:39 p.m. ET, December 22, 2023

UN Security Council convenes to discuss Gaza resolution

From CNN's Michael Bodenhorst

The UN Security Council has convened to address the ongoing situation in Gaza.

The focus of the discussion is on a proposed resolution that calls “for urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip for a sufficient number of days to enable full, rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access and to enable urgent rescue and recovery efforts and calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, as well as ensuring immediate humanitarian access.”

Friday’s proposed resolution on suspending fighting between Israel and Hamas and allowing more aid into Gaza has been softened, according to a source familiar with the text, as the United States says it’s ready to support it. 

It comes after reports from the Hamas-run Palestinian health ministry, indicating that over 20,000 people have been killed in Gaza by the Israeli military since October 7.

Simultaneously, a new report from the World Food Programme and other UN agencies reveals that more than one in four households in Gaza currently face extreme hunger. The report warns of an impending famine if the conflict persists.

9:58 a.m. ET, December 22, 2023

Israel indicates it’s widening military operation in Gaza ahead of expected UN Security Council vote

From CNN's Abeer Salman, Sugam Pokharel and Lauren Izso

Smoke rises from an area hit during Israeli attacks in Deir al-Balah, Gaza, on December 20.
Smoke rises from an area hit during Israeli attacks in Deir al-Balah, Gaza, on December 20. (Ashraf Amra/Anadolu/Getty Images)

Israel indicated Friday that it is widening its military operation in Gaza as the United States says it is ready to support a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for suspension of fighting and increase in aid to the besieged enclave.

The Israel Defense Forces on Friday ordered the residents of the Al-Bureij refugee camp in Deir al-Balah and several other areas in central Gaza to move to shelters for safety, signaling a new focus of the ground offensive.

The military operation had so far been largely focused on northern Gaza and parts of the southern side of the strip. 

Israeli military officials have said they believe they are close to defeating Hamas militants in Jabalya and Gaza City’s Shejaiya neighborhood, Hamas’ last remaining strongholds in northern Gaza.

Shortly after the warning on Friday, an Israeli airstrike hit the Al-Bureij refugee camp, a hospital spokesperson said.  

At least three people were killed, and 10 others injured after the airstrike hit the camp, Dr. Khalil Al Daqran, a spokesperson at the Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, told CNN.  

UN resolution: Meanwhile, the much-delayed vote on Gaza in the UN Security Council is expected Friday after US ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said she was ready to support a resolution calling for an increase in aid to the strip.  

Language calling for “urgent steps” to lay the groundwork “for a sustainable cessation of hostilities” was instrumental in the United States’ decision to support the resolution, a source told CNN. Negotiations have dragged on throughout the week as diplomats worked behind closed doors on the language.

The language of the now reads “urgent steps to immediately allow safe and unhindered humanitarian access, and also for creating the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities,” according to the source.

It comes as the death toll in Gaza surpassed 20,000 since October 7, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah said Friday.

The risk of famine in the Palestinian enclave is increasing every day that hostilities persist, a UN-backed food security agency has warned, as the World Health Organization said no hospitals are functioning in northern Gaza and the strip's entire health care system is "on its knees." 

CNN’s Michael Rios, Priscilla Alvarez, Donald Judd and Alex Marquardt contributed previous reporting to this post.  

11:36 a.m. ET, December 22, 2023

UN Security Council resolution for more aid into Gaza softened as US says it will support it

From CNN's Priscilla Alvarez, Donald Judd and Alex Marquardt

Members of the United Nations Security Council hold sideline meetings as they take a break at the UN headquarters in New York on December 19.
Members of the United Nations Security Council hold sideline meetings as they take a break at the UN headquarters in New York on December 19. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

A United Nations Security Council resolution on suspending fighting between Israel and Hamas and allowing more aid into Gaza has been softened, according to a source familiar with the text, as the United States says it’s ready to support it. 

The UN is poised to vote Friday on the resolution, with a Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East scheduled for 11:30 a.m. ET.

Language calling for “urgent steps” to lay the ground “for a sustainable cessation of hostilities” was instrumental in the United States’ decision to support a resolution from the United Nations Security Council, increasing the flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza while calling for a halt in hostilities.

The language of the text has been replaced with “urgent steps to immediately allow safe and unhindered humanitarian access, and also for creating the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities,” according to the source. 

A diplomatic source previously told CNN that key issues with the negotiations over the draft included language on the “cessation of hostilities” and a call for the UN to “establish a monitoring mechanism in the Gaza Strip with the necessary personnel and equipment, under the authority of the United Nations Secretary-General.”

Diplomats had been working behind closed doors to finalize a resolution drafted by the United Arab Emirates. A US official familiar with the discussions said the draft had started with calling for an “urgent cessation” of hostilities. Neither the United States nor Israel currently supports a ceasefire, so the US countered with “a more passive formulation,” the official said, describing the language that ended up in the resolution.

“Israel is aware and can live with it,” the official added, while arguing it was not the language on the cessation of hostilities that caused the delays but rather the disagreements over the monitoring mechanism.

US ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield announced late Thursday that the US would support the measure after previously voting four times to delay a vote on the resolution.

8:25 a.m. ET, December 22, 2023

Israeli-American hostage has died while being held captive in Gaza

From CNN's Lauren Izso

Gadi Haggai.
Gadi Haggai. (Florian Poitout/Abaca/Sipa)

73-year-old Gadi Haggai, an Israeli-American dual national and hostage who was kidnapped by Hamas from Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7, has died while being held captive in Gaza, the Missing Persons Families Forum said in a statement released Friday.

His body is still being held in Gaza, according to the Forum.

"Gadi was a man full of humor who knew how to make those around him laugh. A musician at heart, a gifted flautist, he played in the IDF Orchestra and was involved with music his whole life," the statement added.

Haggai had been out on a walk on the morning of October 7 with his wife, Judi, when he was shot at and "critically Injured," the statement added.

His wife is still being held captive by Hamas.

"We share in the profound grief of the Haggai family," the statement added.