Biden says US is still working through whether it can support UN resolution on Gaza

December 20, 2023 Israel-Hamas war

By Tara Subramaniam, Jack Guy, Aditi Sangal, Maureen Chowdhury, Elise Hammond and Tori B. Powell, CNN

Updated 12:20 a.m. ET, December 21, 2023
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4:10 p.m. ET, December 20, 2023

Biden says US is still working through whether it can support UN resolution on Gaza

From CNN’s Kevin Liptak

US President Joe Biden speaks at an economic event at the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on December 20.
US President Joe Biden speaks at an economic event at the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on December 20. Jamie Kelter Davis/Bloomberg/Getty Images

President Joe Biden says the United States is still working through whether to support a United Nations Security Council resolution that calls for a halt in Gaza hostilities to allow humanitarian aid.

Biden, who was asked by a reporter when Israel should move to a less intensive phase of its conflict with Hamas, pointed to the negotiations at the UN as a reason not to give a firm answer.

"We’re negotiating right now at the UN the contours of a resolution...a resolution that we may be able to agree to," he told reporters in Milwaukee.
"That's still going on," he said. "I'll be happy to talk to you after that."

Biden's comments suggest US support for the resolution is still an unresolved matter inside the White House.

Earlier, a vote on the matter was pushed to Thursday.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters there were still "active discussions" on the resolution but said the US needed to see specific condemnation of Hamas as part of the resolution.

"It's important for us if the Security Council is going to speak on this, that there's a condemnation of Hamas and what they did on the seventh of October, there's a recognition of the need for Israel to be able to defend itself and there's, of course, significant commitment by all members on getting humanitarian assistance into the people of Gaza," he said. 
3:49 p.m. ET, December 20, 2023

Voices of hostages killed in Gaza by Israeli troops captured on IDF dog camera, spokesperson says  

From Tamar Michaelis in Tel Aviv and CNN's Sugam Pokharel

The voices of the three hostages who were accidentally killed by Israeli troops were captured on a GoPro camera mounted on an Israeli military dog five days before they were shot, a military spokesperson said.

The video, located by Israeli forces on Tuesday, shows the recording took place during an exchange between Israeli forces and Hamas militants at a site where the three hostages were being held, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said at his daily press briefing. The dog was killed in the exchange. 

“You can hear voices, and when we analyzed the clip, we understood that in the audio we can hear the three hostages, fully vocally identified,” Hagari said.  

He did not provide details about what the hostages were saying.

The militants who held the three hostages were killed during the fighting which appears to have allowed the hostages to flee, Hagari said, citing an initial Israel Defense Forces analysis of the GoPro video. 

Israel is reeling from the IDF’s admission that it shot and killed three hostages in Gaza on Friday. They had been taken hostage by Hamas during the group’s October 7 terror attack.  

On Saturday, an IDF official said they emerged from a building tens of meters away from a group of Israeli troops. They were shirtless and were waving a white flag, according to the official, who spoke to journalists on the condition of anonymity to speak freely about an ongoing investigation.  

At least one soldier felt threatened and opened fire, killing two of the men immediately. The third was wounded and ran back inside the building. The Israeli unit overheard a cry for help in Hebrew, at which time the brigade commander ordered his troops to stop shooting. However, there was another burst of gunfire. The third hostage died later.  

CNN's Richard Allen Greene and Joshua Berlinger contributed reporting to this post.

1:56 p.m. ET, December 20, 2023

UN Security Council again delays vote on Gaza resolution

From CNN's Becky Anderson, Kevin Liptak, Mike Callahan and Jen Deaton 

The Security Council Chamber at UN headquarters in New York on December 20.
The Security Council Chamber at UN headquarters in New York on December 20. Charly Triballeau/AFP/Getty Images

The United Nations Security Council is again delaying a vote on the Gaza resolution, a staffer at the office of the United Nations secretary-general's office confirmed to CNN.

The vote is now slated for Thursday, a staffer said.

The vote on this resolution, which is drafted by the United Arab Emirates, had already been delayed multiple times amid disagreement on text that could gain a “yes” vote from the United States, or at least an abstention, which would allow the measure to pass.

A diplomatic source tells CNN that key issues with the draft that remain in negotiation are the "cessation of hostilities" language and the call for the UN to "establish a monitoring mechanism in the Gaza Strip with the necessary personnel and equipment, under the authority of the United Nations Secretary-General."

1:44 p.m. ET, December 20, 2023

Israel will oppose new budget for UN relief agency working in Gaza, foreign ministry says

From Tamar Michaelis and Tim Lister

Israel will oppose bringing forward the annual budget for the United Nations agency that carries out humanitarian work in Gaza, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

The Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen has instructed the Israeli delegation to the UN “to oppose bringing forward the annual budget of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees,” according to the foreign ministry.

Cohen said bringing forward the budget from 2025 to 2024 would be precedent-setting and dangerous, “especially in light of the evidence of Hamas using the organization's facilities as terrorist infrastructure.”

Cohen said that "UNRWA is part of the problem, not part of the solution. The countries of the world must put an end to UNRWA's perpetuation of the conflict, and (its) turning a blind eye for years to incitement to terrorism and Hamas' cynical use of agency facilities and Gaza residents as human shields."

"Israel will oppose any move that continues to inject money into UNRWA," Cohen said.

Cohen instructed the Israeli delegation to the UN to oppose any move that would advance the agency's annual budget, claiming that transferring a budget to UNRWA “without substantially changing its objectives and functioning would send the wrong message of a return to the routine of before the October 7th.”

CNN is reaching out to UNRWA for a response to Cohen’s remarks.

1:53 p.m. ET, December 20, 2023

165 humanitarian aid trucks crossed into Gaza Tuesday, Israel says

From Tamar Michaelis

A truck carrying humanitarian aid provided by the International Medical Corps moves at the Israeli side of the Kerem Shalom border crossing with the southern Gaza Strip on December 19.
A truck carrying humanitarian aid provided by the International Medical Corps moves at the Israeli side of the Kerem Shalom border crossing with the southern Gaza Strip on December 19. Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images

At least 165 humanitarian aid trucks crossed into Gaza on Tuesday, Israeli authorities say. The trucks were previously inspected at Israeli crossing points, the government said.

Israel's office for Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) said 75 trucks were inspected at the Kerem Shalom crossing and passed directly into Gaza.

Another 90 trucks were inspected at the Nitzana crossing and transferred into Gaza through the Rafah crossing from Egypt. 

COGAT said seven ambulances were also inspected and transferred to Gaza.

12:20 a.m. ET, December 21, 2023

Biden says US pushing for Israel-Hamas deal on hostages and pause in fighting, but tempers expectations

From CNN’s Betsy Klein

President Joe Biden speaks to the media upon arrival in Milwaukee on Wednesday.
President Joe Biden speaks to the media upon arrival in Milwaukee on Wednesday. Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that the US is pushing for Israel and Hamas to reach a deal that would include a pause in fighting and the release of hostages.

“We’re pushing it. There’s no expectation at this point, but we are pushing,” he told reporters as he arrived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

Earlier, CNN reported that a general framework had emerged in talks that would entail hostages being released in phases in exchange for a cessation in fighting.

Sources stressed, however, that a deal was not imminent.

"These are very serious discussions and negotiations, and we hope they’ll lead somewhere," National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters aboard Air Force One.

Kirby said he didn't have anything specific to announce Wednesday.

Biden was also asked to respond to reports from the Hamas-controlled Palestinian Ministry of Health that the death toll in Gaza since October 7 will likely surpass 20,000 later Wednesday, the president told reporters traveling with him in Milwaukee, “It’s tragic,” before boarding his motorcade.

CNN’s Kevin Liptak contributed to this report.

12:24 p.m. ET, December 20, 2023

Conflict between Israel and Hamas "needs to move to a lower intensity phase," top US diplomat says

From CNN's Natasha Bertrand

The conflict between Israel and Hamas “needs to move to a lower intensity phase,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday.

“We expect to see, and want to see, a shift to more targeted operations, with a smaller number of forces, that's really focused in on dealing with the leadership of Hamas, the tunnel network, and a few other critical things,” Blinken said. “And as that happens, I think you'll see as well the harm done to civilians will also decrease significantly.”

Blinken’s comments echo what Biden administration officials have told Israel privately, CNN previously reported, which is that the US wants Israel to shift to a lower-intensity phase of the war in the next several weeks.

Earlier this week, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav said the military will gradually transition to the next phase of the war and expects displaced Palestinians from northern Gaza to return to their homes before those from the south. 

“Soon we will be able to distinguish between different areas in Gaza. … In every area where we achieve our mission, we will be able to transition gradually to the next phase and start working on bringing back the local population. This can be achieved maybe sooner in the north rather than in the south,” the minister said.

12:26 p.m. ET, December 20, 2023

Mother of hostage killed by IDF tells unit involved it's "completely not your fault"

From Tamar Michaelis

Yotam Haim.
Yotam Haim. Hostages and Missing Families Forum

The mother of one of the Israeli hostages killed accidentally by the IDF last week in Gaza has sent a message to the unit involved in the shooting, saying “everything that happened is completely not your fault.”

Iris Haim, the mother of Yotam Haim, addressed the battalion involved in the incident in which her son was killed along with two other Israeli men whom Hamas had kidnapped.

She said in an audio message: “I wanted to tell you that I love you very much and I embrace you from afar. I know that everything that happened is completely not your fault, it's nobody's fault - except the Hamas, may their name and memory be wiped off the face of the earth.” 

Haim continued: “I ask you to stay safe and always keep in your thoughts that what you're doing is the best possible thing in the world to help us, as the Jewish people, and we all need you to be safe and sound. Don't hesitate for a single moment - if you see a terrorist, don't think that you have deliberately killed a hostage, you need to protect yourselves because that's the only way you would be able to protect us.” 

Iris Haim speaks about her son at a news conference at the Israel Embassy in London on November 20.
Iris Haim speaks about her son at a news conference at the Israel Embassy in London on November 20. Kin Cheung/AP

Haim reiterated her belief that the actions taken by the IDF unit were "likely the right thing to do at that moment," adding her family is not "judging you or angry with you."

More on Haim: 28-year-old Haim was a gifted musician and heavy metal fan. He had played the drums for 20 years and was supposed to perform at a Metal Music Festival in Tel Aviv on October 7th with his band, Persephore. He last spoke with his family that morning. He told them his house had burned down before losing contact with them at 10:44 a.m., soon after which he was kidnapped by Hamas, according to the family forum.

CNN's Richard Allen Greene and Joshua Berlinger contributed reporting to this post.

11:55 a.m. ET, December 20, 2023

Israel security agency investigating at least 2 Gaza hospital directors, source says

From CNN’s Richard Allen Greene in Jerusalem

Israel’s domestic security agency, the Shin Bet, is investigating the directors of at least two hospitals in Gaza, a source told CNN Wednesday. 

The source was responding to a question about whether either the Shin Bet or the Israel Defense Forces is holding at least four named doctors whose hospitals have said they were seized by the IDF.

The source said the Shin Bet – formally known as the Israel Security Agency – was investigating Ahmad Al-Kahlot, the head of Kamal Adwan hospital, and Mohammad Abu Salamiya, the head of Al-Shifa hospital.

The source, asking not to be named in discussing the Israeli investigations, did not confirm that the Shin Bet was holding two other doctors CNN asked about: Ahmad Mhana the head of Al-Awda hospital, whose staff said he was detained on Monday; and Nasr Imad Eddin Madhoun from Kamal Adwan hospital, whose colleagues said he was detained on December 12. The source referred CNN to the IDF, which did not respond to questions about any of the four doctors. 

The Shin Bet released an edited video Tuesday of the interrogation of Al-Kahlot in which he said the Hamas political leadership used the hospital in the early days of the war because they felt they would not be targeted there. He also said that he, along with some other medical staff, were members of Al Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military wing. 

It is not clear whether Al-Kahlot was speaking under duress, nor whether he has had access to a lawyer at any time since his arrest on December 12.

Abu Salamiya was detained by the IDF in November as he accompanied a medical convoy south from the hospital. The IDF said at the time Salamiya was "apprehended and transferred" for questioning "following evidence showing that the Shifa Hospital, under his direct management, served as a Hamas command and control center."

Hamas-linked authorities in Gaza say at least 40 medical staff have been detained by the IDF across the enclave.