Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch
CNN  — 

In his first public comments since the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, Justice Neil Gorsuch said he hoped the results of an internal investigation into the leak of a draft opinion of the decision would be done “soon.”

“The chief justice appointed an internal committee to oversee the investigation,” Gorsuch told the 10th US Circuit Bench and Bar Conference in Colorado Springs on Thursday, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal.

“That committee has been busy, and we’re looking forward to their report, I hope soon,” he said.

The comments are the first coming from a justice suggesting that a report concerning the unprecedented leak is imminent. Gorsuch did not say if the report would be made public, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Chief Justice John Roberts is set to speak before the same group Friday night. Roberts called the leak “appalling” last term and directed the marshal of the court, Gail Curley, to launch an investigation.

The Supreme Court’s public information office did not respond to a request for comment.