Marion Bartoli: ponders tennis comeback… on Twitter | CNN

Marion Bartoli: Former Wimbledon champion ponders comeback … on Twitter

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Marion Bartoli asks whether she should make a comeback over Twitter

She won Wimbledon in 2013 but retired one month later due to injuries

Bartoli won eight WTA titles during a 13-year professional career

CNN  — 

To come back or not come back?

That is the question former Wimbledon champion Marion Bartoli posed on Twitter, prompting a raft of replies and retweets.

The Frenchwoman was crowned champion at the All England Club in July 2013, but announced her retirement a mere one month later due to persistent injury problems.

But now it appears the former world No. 7 is pondering a return to the court, with eight-time grand slam champion Jimmy Connors warning Bartoli to only consider it if she is fully committed.

Bartoli wouldn’t be the first women’s star to come out of retirement.

Veterans Martina Hingis, Jennifer Capriati and Kimiko Date-Krumm all chose to reenter the fray after saying their initial farewells.

Bartoli won eight WTA titles during a 13-year professional career, reaching the quarterfinals of the Australian and U.S. Opens and the last four of her home grand slam in Paris.

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