Rio: A city on the brink of disaster?

Rio: A city on the brink of disaster?

The biggest sporting event in the world is less than a month away, and its host city is unprepared. These are the crises Rio de Janeiro is facing ahead of the Olympic Games.

Several athletes are skipping the Games out of concern over Zika, a virus carried by mosquitos that has spread across Brazil. It has been linked to microcephaly, an unusual birth defect in which the baby's head and brain do not properly develop.

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Scientists found a drug-resistant bacteria off the coast of Rio's famous beaches just a month before the Games. The "super bacteria" stems from sewage that entered the waterways from local hospitals.

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A beachgoer stumbled across human body parts that had washed up on the famed Copacabana beach -- right in front of the Olympic Volleyball Arena.

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Just weeks ahead of the Olympics, Brazil's federal government issued a $900 million bailout after Rio declared a state of financial emergency.

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Rampant crime, including gun battles and robberies in broad daylight, have become part of daily life in Rio. Just one month ahead of the Games, local police said they wouldn't be able to protect tourists because of inadequate pay.

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Rio is still falling short on infrastruture it needs to complete ahead of the Games, including an extension of a Metro line that would connect the largest of venue clusters to the rest of the city.

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Brazil's senate kicked off impeachment proceedings against its president, Dilma Rousseff, back in May – and she didn't go quietly. The investigation is ongoing, and isn't likely to conclude by opening ceremonies.

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