Melbourne's Town Hall was lit up in honor of Istanbul's victims.
CNN  — 

As night fell across parts of the world Wednesday, cities lit up in tribute to the victims of Tuesday’s Istanbul airport attack.

Public buildings in Australia and New Zealand were illuminated in the colors of the Turkish flag in memory of the victims.

In Melbourne, several public buildings glowed red and white, including the Victoria state parliament.

Daniel Andrews, the Premier of Victoria, tweeted, “Honoring those who died, sending love to those who grieve. Turkey: Victoria stands with you. #Istanbul.”

The Arts Centre of Melbourne also posted on its Facebook page, “This evening, our Spire will be illuminated red and white, the colors of the Turkish flag, in honour of those killed and injured in the Ataturk Airport terrorist attacks in Istanbul. Our values and way of life will always prevail. Violence and terrorism will not.”

In New Zealand, the Sky Tower in Auckland was also illuminated in tribute to Turkey.

The tributes mirror recent memorials to other tragedies. Many buildings, including New York’s One World Trade Center, were lit in the color of the Belgian flag after the terrorist attacks in Brussels in March. After the June 12 attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, many buildings displayed the colors of the rainbow flag.