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Obama is ok leaving office but this girl is apoplectic
00:50 - Source: CNN

Story highlights

President Barack Obama has said he is "not unhappy" that he isn't up for another term, but at least one person is downright apoplectic

The video of the young girl saying she is "not ready" for a new president had almost 2 million views as of Saturday afternoon

CNN  — 

President Barack Obama has said he is “not unhappy” that he isn’t up for another term, but at least one person is downright apoplectic.

A woman named Caprina Harris posted a video to Facebook earlier this week showing her granddaughter sobbing after learning that Obama will soon leave the White House.

“Tell me why you’re crying,” Harris is heard asking.

“Barack Obama is fixing to go,” the child says amid sobs as Harris explains presidential term limits.

The video of the young girl saying she is “not ready” for a new president had almost 2 million views as of Saturday afternoon. The White House even took notice, tweeting the president had said, “Caprina, tell her to dry her tears.”

The President has registered strongly in recent polls of Democrats, and with the competitive Democratic primary growing increasingly bitter, the young girl might not be alone among Democrats in feeling this way.