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Norway survivors return to scene of island rampage

By the CNN Wire Staff
Survivors of the attack visit Utoya Island on Saturday for the first time since the shootings.
Survivors of the attack visit Utoya Island on Saturday for the first time since the shootings.
  • NEW: More than 1,000 people are expected at Utoya island on Saturday, state media say
  • Hundreds of young people were at a political summer camp when the gunman struck
  • Anders Breivik is accused of the gun rampage and a bomb attack in the capital on the same day
  • The twin attacks on July 22 claimed the lives of 77 people, many of them youth

(CNN) -- Survivors of a mass shooting attack in Norway returned Saturday for the first time to the island where a gunman went on a rampage a month ago, killing 69 people.

More than 1,000 people are expected to visit Utoya island Saturday, state broadcaster NRK said. Television footage showed young people picking their way along the shoreline and spreading across the small island.

Many of those who survived did so by hiding among rocks and vegetation or swimming out into the chilly waters around the island.

The survivors' visit comes a day after relatives of those killed were allowed to travel to the island for the first time to see where their loved ones' final moments were spent.

Police officers were at hand to point out to the families exactly where those killed were found. Many lit candles and left flowers in makeshift shrines, local media reported.

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Author Brad Thor on Norway attacks
  • Oslo
  • Norway
  • Politics

Several hundred people were attending a political summer camp held by the youth wing of the governing Labour Party at the time of the July 22 shooting attack. Many of those killed were teenagers.

NRK said Saturday's visit was the first time many of the young people had seen one another since the traumatic events a month ago.

The island remains a crime scene, as police investigate the mass shooting and the bombing of Oslo government buildings on the same day, which claimed the lives of eight more people

The suspect in both attacks, Anders Breivik, was ordered held in isolation for four more weeks Friday after appearing before a judge in Oslo.

Giving his ruling, the judge said Breivik should continue to be held in solitary confinement because there was a real danger otherwise that he would tamper with evidence and hinder the police investigation.

Breivik, 32, had told the court that being held in isolation is "boring, monotonous and a sadistic method of torture," the judge said.

Breivik admitted the attacks, a judge and his lawyer say, but has pleaded not guilty in court.

Paal-Fredrik Hjort Kraby, of Oslo Police District, told reporters Friday that 400 witnesses had now been questioned in connection with the two attacks. Breivik will face further interrogation this week, he said.

CNN's Cynthia Wamwayi contributed to this report.

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