CNN - Explosion reported in northern British city - June 15, 1996

Major blames IRA for Manchester explosion

Over 200 reported injured in massive car bomb blast

June 15, 1996
Web posted at: 11:45 a.m. EDT (1545 GMT)

MANCHESTER, England (CNN) -- Over 200 people were injured Saturday morning when a large car bomb exploded in the center of the British city of Manchester. Police received a coded warning about an hour before the explosion.

Firefighters were battling blazes set off by the explosion, and a spokesman said some people were trapped near the scene.

British Prime Minister John Major said the explosion, which occurred while bomb experts were investigating a suspect vehicle, appeared to be the work of the Irish Republican Army.

"What is absolutely clear is that this act by a handful of fanatics will be regarded with contempt and disgust right away around the world," Major said. "I hope that the people responsible for this bomb will realize that every conceivable effort will be made to catch them, convict them and punish them for what they've done this morning in Manchester." (343K AIFF or WAV sound)

Manchester police said they received a coded telephone call about an hour before the bomb went off, and that the caller used a "recognized IRA code." Officials were evacuating the area when the bomb exploded. (381K AIFF or WAV sound)

The blast heavily damaged the Arndale shopping center, fire officials said.

"The Arndale Center, which is the heart of the city shopping area, the whole side, the gable end, has just been blown away," said Gary O'Neil of the Manchester Fire Brigade.

He said remnants of buildings, including the tower block, were scattered over a large area.

"All the windows in the shops were blown out and I saw people hit by flying glass," said photographer Malcolm Croft. "There was a lot of screaming and panic. People began rushing for shelter and shielding their faces."

President Clinton condemned the bombing as a "brutal and cowardly act of terrorism" and said the United States stands firm in support for peace in Northern Ireland.

Sinn Fein barred from peace talks

The blast came five days after the start of "all-party" talks aimed at resolving the decades-old conflict over British rule of Northern Ireland. Sinn Fein, the IRA's political wing, was barred from the talks after the IRA broke a 17-month cease-fire in February.

"People now know why Sinn Fein isn't in the peace talks until such time as there's a complete and unequivocal cease-fire from the IRA," Major said.

Major added that he hoped to quickly see "a clear cut and unequivocal condemnation" of Saturday's explosion from Sinn Fein.

Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams said the party was still focused on peace. (134K AIFF or WAV sound)

"Whatever the cause of this morning's incident in Manchester, Sinn Fein's focus remains firmly fixed on the need to restore the peace process, and we will not be deflected from that task," he said.

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