Chechen claims responsibility for attack on Russian airport - Skip to main content

Chechen claims responsibility for attack on Russian airport

From Matthew Chance, CNN
Doku Umarov: "Operations will be conducted monthly or weekly, as Allah allows us."
Doku Umarov: "Operations will be conducted monthly or weekly, as Allah allows us."
  • NEW: Doku Umarov says he directed the January 24 airport bombing
  • NEW: He promises more attacks in the future
  • 36 people were killed in the blast

Moscow (CNN) -- Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov claimed responsibility Monday for last month's deadly attack on Moscow's main international airport that left 36 people dead.

In a video message, posted on a website that regularly carries messages from Chechen rebels, Umarov said he was speaking on January 24 -- the day of the deadly bombing. He wore camouflage combat fatigues and a black skullcap.

"The special operation was done in accordance with my order. Similar special operations will be taking place in the future," he said in Russian.

The Kavkaz Center website said it received the message and posted it late Monday.

In a seperate message posted over the weekend, the self-titled Emir of the North Caucasus vowed to deliver "a year of blood and tears" to Russia, saying that there were dozens of rebels prepared to carry out attacks.

"I won't tell you there are hundreds of us prepared for jihad. But 50 or 60, God willing, we will find," said Umarov. "Those operations will be conducted monthly or weekly, as Allah allows us," he said.

In Moscow, investigators say they have identified the suspected suicide bomber behind the airport attack as a 20-year-old man from the North Caucusus region.

Russia's airport bombing investigation
  • Russia
  • Suicide Attacks
  • Caucasus

Alexander Bortnikov, the head of Russia's Federal Security Service, has refused to publicly name the suspect or identify his specific origin.

But he told Russian state television the alleged bomber was under the influence of drugs before the attack.

"Biological studies revealed the presence of a huge amount of highly potent narcotic and psychotropic substances in parts of the suicide bomber's body," Bortnikov said.

Sitting beneath a black flag and flanked by two other bearded rebels in the message posted first, Umarov names the young man to his left as "Mujahedeen Seifullah."

He said the man was being sent on a mission, although it is not clear from the video if this was the suspected Moscow airport bomber, or when the message was recorded.

"I would like Putin and Medvedev and all other kaffirs and enemies to understand that there are many of us who will follow in our footsteps and give their lives for Allah," Umarov said.