How well do you know Watergate?

How well do you know Watergate?

How old was President Nixon when he resigned?

In his televised address, he said he hoped his departure would begin a “process of healing that is so desperately needed in America.”

Political bumper stickers were all the rage in the 1970s. Fill in the last word for this bumper sticker, popular during the Watergate scandal: “Don’t blame me, I’m from __.”

“Don’t blame me – I’m from Massachusetts.” It was a reference to Massachusetts being the only state that Democrat George McGovern carried in Nixon’s 1972 landslide victory.

When Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned, he paid back taxes and legal fees with the help of an estimated $200,000 loan from whom?

Later, Agnew dedicated his autobiography to Sinatra.

Nixon delivered his famous “I am not a crook” speech from what unusual location?

He delivered it November 17, 1973, at the Contemporary Hotel at Disney World.

After resigning on August 9, 1974, Nixon left Washington and returned to his home in what state?

He went back to his home San Clemente, California, known as his “Western White House.”

The Watergate scandal started with the arrest of five burglars at the headquarters of what organization?

The headquarters were located on the sixth floor of the Watergate Hotel and Office Building, part of the expansive Watergate complex.

In the midst of the Watergate investigation, on July 23, 1973, President Nixon sent a letter to a Senate Committee stating he refused to turn over what?

Nixon said, “The special nature of tape recordings of private conversations is such that these principles (of executive privilege) apply with even greater force to tapes of private presidential conversations than to presidential papers.”

Spiro Agnew resigned as Nixon’s vice president during the Watergate Investigation. Which Michigan congressman did Nixon nominate to replace him?

Ford was the first vice president chosen under the 25th Amendment, which established protocol for filing a vice presidential vacancy.

When Nixon resigned, Gerald Ford became president. Whom did Ford choose as his vice president?

Rockefeller was later dropped as a running mate when Ford ran for president in 1976.

Nixon became the first president in history to resign in office. To whom did he submit his official letter of resignation?

The letter became official when Kissinger initialed it at 11:35a.m. on August 9, 1974.

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