Nominate a CNN Hero -

Nominate a CNN Hero

Tell us who you think should be a CNN Hero!

Note: This is not a vote. Please do not nominate the same person more than once.

*Required fields marked with asterisks.

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Tips: How to Nominate | FAQ
  1. Your Nominee’s Info

    Either an e-mail address or phone number is required

  2. Your Words Matter!

    A detailed, thoughtful entry is essential.

  3. Your Info

    By submitting your nomination, you agree that you have read and accept the legal disclosures.

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The information you provide will be used in accordance with our privacy policy.

For our international users, please be aware that the information you submit when registering for our services is collected in the United States of America. In addition to being subject to our privacy policy, the collection, storage and the use of your data will be subject to U.S. laws and regulations, which may be different from the laws and regulations in your home country. By registering for this service, you are consenting to this collection, storage and use.